
The deadline for STP Reporting is 30 September 2019.  If you are not yet ready, you must ACT NOW!

If you are unable to start reporting by this time, you MUST apply for a deferral by 30 September 2019.  You can do this via the Business Portal or via our office.

The way you pay your employees will not change, however you will be sending PAYG withholding and super information to the ATO each time you pay them.

If you are a Micro Employer (1 – 4 employees), you may be eligible for quarterly reporting.  To be eligible for this concession you must:

  • Have between 1 - 4 employees on the day of application

  • Lodge Activity Statements electronically through a registred tax agent or BAS agent

  • Have non computerised payroll

  • If you owe the ATO money then it must be subject to a payment plan

  • Lodgement obligations must be up to date

There are many no cost and low cost STP solutions available.  To find out more go to

If you would like to discuss this further, please contact our office.