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We have previously advised of the ATO’s increase in data matching and data analytics:

  1.  The introduction of Single Touch Payroll is a key development in this area.  It not only provides the ATO with real time digital data, but works towards aligning the ATO’s records with the SRO and Workcover etc.

  2. The ATO recently hired a digital tax specialist to head up its data analytics function to increase its capability in this area.  A lot of source data is now provided in digital form (i.e. Single Touch Payroll).

Employers and Business Owners need to be proactive with their compliance.  

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2019 Payment Summaries:  If you haven’t yet provided your employees with their payment summaries for the year ended 30 June 2019, you need to make this a priority.  The due date for this is 14th July 2019.


 21 July 2019                        June 2019 Monthly BAS/IAS due for lodgement and payment

 28 July 2019                        June 2019 Quarter BAS due for lodgement and payment (if lodge by paper)

 28 July 2019                        Make payment of Superannuation Contributions for June Quarter

 14 August 2019                  Lodge PAYG Withholding Payment Summary Annual Report

 21 August 2019                  July 2019 Monthly BAS/IAS due for lodgement and payment

 25 August 2019                  June 2019 Quarter BAS due for lodgement and payment (if lodge electronically)

 21 September 2019           August 2019 Monthly BAS/IAS due for lodgement and payment