
Do you consider your External Accountant as your Business Mentor?

Most businesses have an External Accountant and often assume that their Accountant is there to just complete Tax Returns and calculate their taxes!

As Accountants, we are more than just a once a year processing service.  We are also Business Mentors.

We are here to provide you (the business owner) with advice, support you to set goals and guide you to achieve them.  We are an independent mindset and are exposed to a myriad of business experience and industries. 

Remind yourself that your Accountant is there to support you and help you grow.  We not only get to know your business, but your entire family situation, so that we have the complete picture and can advise accordingly.

Business owners need to be proactive with their approach on growing their business and minimising taxes, not reactive!

If you need advice, be sure to contact us and we will meet with you to discuss our engagement and negotiate a plan to support you.