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Single Touch Payroll (STP) for Employers with less than 20 employees has now passed into law.  This means that all employers are required to be STP compliant by 1 July 2019.

 Micro employers (those with less than 4 employees) are not yet required to purchase payroll software in order to comply with STP reporting.  Rather, the ATO has asked payroll providers to develop a low cost solution (around $10 per month) for these employers.

 The ATO have stated from a compliance point of view, that employers should not be concerned about penalties for the first 12 months as their primary aim is to help employers get the new system implemented.

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The following tax proposals have been put forward for the upcoming Federal Election:

  • Excess imputation credits – plans to deny refunds for excess imputation credits with effect from 1 July 2019.

  • Negative gearing - plans to limit negative gearing to new housing. The current plan will      restrict negative gearing in relation to all investments not just property investments. 

  • The CGT discount - plans to cut the CGT discount in half from 50% to 25%.

 Should you wish to discuss any of the above, please contact our office.