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It’s the start of a new Financial Year.  We know right….boring!!

It’s school holidays, it’s cold in Melbourne and who wants to get up on these fresh mornings to go to work……..we know where we’d rather be!  

As Accountants, it’s time for us to process those tax returns so our clients can get their refunds and spend their $$$.

What better way to spend your refund than a holiday somewhere warm.   Perhaps its Singapore, Vegas, Greece or maybe even the warmer parts of Australia.  We hope you’re lucky enough to be somewhere warmer than Melbourne 😊

Spare a thought for Melbourne’s homeless who sleep out in the cold, often with inadequate warmth.  We did!

During the 2018 Financial Year, our team donated money to Melbourne’s homeless to pay for sleeping bags to keep them warm at night.  Not only does it help the homeless but our team feels better for doing so.  Even better, its tax deductible!!  It’s a win win!

Remember to include all donations made during the 2017-18 financial year in your 2018 Income Tax Return.  You never know, it may help you reach that goal for a holiday in warmer weather to escape Melbourne’s Winter Blues.

Happy holidaying.